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Extended Training Overview

Starting at 8 weeks old, your pup is a sponge for learning!  The question is, does your schedule allow the time for that? Do you have other obligations that might take away from the dedicated time that is needed to train your pup in all of the areas that you'd like them trained?  Or are you just unsure

that you want to tackle this yourself? If this describes you, then extended training with our certified trainers may be the best choice for you and your Prize Doodle pup!


So, what exactly does the 10-week program look like?  Your pup lives in the home of a certified trainer for 2 1/2 months, learning every day! By the time your pup comes home to you, he/she will have or be able to:


House & Potty Training

  • learned cues to go into their crate when asked (crate etiquette training)

  • crate for at least 8 hours at night without a potty accident

  • go at least 3-4 hours between potty breaks during the day without an accident

  • learn the "leave it" cue and do so when chewing an item that isn't puppy-approved (ex. a sock)

  • learn manners in regards to nipping and to rarely instigate playful nipping/biting

  • learn manners in regards to jumping and to rarely jump up on a person

  • be exposed to regular baths, drying, nail clipping, etc.

  • be exposed to typical household "loud" noises, such as hair dryers, washers/dryers, music, etc.

Socialization & Travel

  • exposed to taking car rides and having no potty accidents for local driving destinations

  • visited pet-friendly stores and establishments in order to socialize with other people and dogs

  • visited other homes in order to be comfortable greeting and being greeted by new people and situations

  • been exposed to children so that a comfort level can be reached with them

  • visited the groomer and veterinarian office to introduce them to those environments/sounds

  • gone on countless neighborhood walks to reach a comfort level with that environment/sounds

  • leash trained to walk at the side of and at the same pace as the person walking (loose leash manners)

  • been exposed to bikes, strollers, wheelchairs, etc.

  • been exposed to outside "loud" noises, such as traffic, lawn mowers, weather, etc.


Manners & Cues

  • Sit (and hold that position for a short time with the cue word "Sit")   

  • Free (learned this release command [used to release pup from a previous command, such as Sit])  

  • Leave it (stop chewing and drop an item that is not a puppy approved item, indoors or outdoors)   

  • Here (to come to you when the cue word "Here" is used)

  • Go to *position* (immediately go to bed when "Go To Bed" is used)

  • Down (to lay in a prone position when the cue word "Down" is used)

  • Off (to stop jumping or paws off furniture, counters, etc. when the cue word "Off" is used)


While in training, pups will complete all rounds of age-appropriate vaccines including rabies, will be vet health-checked, microchipped, groomed, nails trimmed and will graduate from our extended training program.  Pictures and videos will be shared during training and Covid-compliant visits can be arranged if your location is near enough for you to conveniently meet in our area.  If having all of this taken care of and a well-trained pup that transitions easily into your home is what you're looking for, feel free to contact us below and mention that you are interested in a Prize Doodle pup with the option of extended training.  There are only 1 or 2 spots on each litter, so keep that in mind.  We'll be more than happy to let you know availability. 




Locations near
Raleigh/Durham, NC
& Lynchburg, VA

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